Tuesday, August 7, 2012

GIVEAWAY: Stationery and luggage tags by Invitation Consultants

Example #1: stationery
I received a complimentary luggage tag for my film blog before BlogHer '12 from Invitation Consultants, and I loved the final product. Invitation Consultants is generous enough to allow me to do a giveaway here of a two-pack of baggage tags and also some of their stationery.

First, check out their stationery here. The winner of this giveaway will receive a set of stationery (includes 20 cards) of any of the types that have an item number of "IC-" at the top - which is most of them. The winner will also receive two bags tags, to be customized however they would like! Here's some pictures of the bag tag I received as well as a sample bag tag and stationery:

my blogger bag tag, for yesnofilms.com

Enter the contest using the Rafflecopter widget below. The contest will end at 11:59pm EST on Tuesday, August 14th, and the winner will be chosen the morning of the 15th and will have 24 hours to respond, otherwise a new winner will be chosen.

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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