Monday, August 6, 2012

Suzy's Case

Suzy's Case, by Andy Siegel.

Life before Benson started referring his HICs to me was quiet and safe. Life after Benson has been a big fucking hassle. Now I'm drugged, tied up, dragged on my ass down a very long corridor by a psychopathic midget, and locked up in what feels like the trunk of a car. Kidnapped! For what or why I have no idea. I'm a lawyer, goddamn it. What could I possibly have down to land myself in this predicament?

Tug Wyler is an attorney, and a good one, though lately he has had to deal with Henry Benson's old clients, most of whom are criminals and dirtbags. When he is presented with a case of a little girl, Suzy, he at first thinks that there's no case - although she was healthy (for the most part) when she entered the hospital and left as a brain-damaged child, there's no way to place blame on the hospital. He soon finds, however, that a bad plug was used on a heart monitor in the situation, and he starts to gather evidence to use against the hospital, while at the same time battling others who might not want said evidence to come to light.

As you can probably tell from the excerpt, Tug is a fast-talking New York lawyer who always manages to find himself in dire situations, from which he usually escapes. This didn't necessarily translate well on the page, but I think the novel would be a great film. There was a little too much language and "adult content" in it for my taste, but others who are fan of legal thrillers might attribute it to the profession/genre; I'm not sure since I don't read many of these, save for John Grisham books. The story itself in the novel was a good one, but I read this while on vacation and had a break of about five to six days while reading it - and I have to say I didn't really "wonder" about the characters' fates until the end of my vacation.

3 stars out of 5.

*Disclosure: I received a copy of this book to review. The opinions expressed here, however, are my own.

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