Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Book Review and GIVEAWAY: Crave, by Tracy Wolff {ends 8/26}

Guest review by: Becki Bayley 

I stand, staring down at where Jaxon should be but isn’t for several seconds. He couldn’t have just disappeared. It’s impossible.

I start down after him—the sane way—but I’ve barely made it four steps before someone is calling behind me. “Hey, Grace! Where are you going?”

I turn to see Lia coming across the landing toward me. She’s dressed in all black, as per usual, and looks totally badass in a chic, feminine way. Also as per usual.

“I wanted to talk to Jaxon, but he’s too fast for me.”

“No news there. When Jaxon doesn’t want to be caught, he’s too fast for everyone.” She rests a hand lightly on my shoulder. “But, Grace, honey, are you okay? You don’t look so good.”

I’m pretty sure that’s the understatement of the year, so I just kind of shake my head. “It’s been a weird day. And a long one.”

“It always is when Jaxon is involved,” she tells me with a laugh. “What you need is a little more of my tea and some girl time. We should arrange that for later.”

“Yeah, definitely.”

Vampires, and dragons, and witches - oh my! There weren’t a lot of surprises in this YA vampire story, but it did have a few unique twists that made it an enjoyable read.

Official synopsis:
Book Review and GIVEAWAY: Crave, by Tracy Wolff {ends 8/26}
The moment she steps foot inside, Grace knows there is nothing normal about Katmere Academy, or the students in it. Her uncle's exclusive and secretive boarding school is the last place she wants to be, but after the tragic deaths of both of her parents, she is left with no choice.

It's not long before she discovers that she has entered a world like nothing she has ever known. Shapeshifters, witches and vampires roam the halls, existing in uneasy cooperation, a fragile web of alliances the only thing keeping them from war. As the lone mortal, the only thing Grace is sure of is that she doesn't belong.

Then she meets Jaxon Vega, a vampire with deadly secrets who hasn't felt anything for a hundred years. Something in him calls to Grace—something that could spell her death.

Because Jaxon walled himself off for a reason. And as Grace is drawn further under his spell, she begins to wonder: did she come to Katmere by accident, or was she brought here . . . as bait?

What better place than rural Alaska for a boarding school full of paranormal students? When Grace’s parents die, her uncle (the headmaster of the school) and her cousin (a student close to Grace’s age) are her only family left. The story starts with Grace boarding a tiny plane, and then a snowmobile with her cousin to get to the school’s very remote campus.

Sometimes the buildup is a dry necessity for a story, but in this case, Grace’s snarky voice was amusing as she learned her way around the monstrous (in size and residents) school. Her descriptions of the building were captivating. There was lots of gothic architecture, as well as an amazing library, and cozy reading nooks hidden in unexpected dark hallways and towers.

While there was some expectation of this being ‘just another vampire story,’ its plot held some unique elements. The variety of paranormal characters and their motivation for evil was different than other vampire books I’ve read. Overall I’d give this 3.5 out of 5 stars. I’m looking forward to the follow-up book from another character’s perspective, and I’d recommend this one to those who enjoy paranormal stories.

{click here to purchase - only $7.67 for hardcover!}

Becki Bayley is a wife and mother who enjoys Cherry Coke, salty snack foods, and Chewy Sprees. You can usually find her in late summer relaxing on her front porch and reading or playing Nonograms. She tries to remember to post on Instagram as PoshBecki.


One of my lucky readers will win a copy of Crave!

Enter via the widget below. Giveaway will end on Wednesday, August 26th, at 11:59pm EST, and winner will be notified via email the next day, and have 24 hours to respond; if not, alternate winner will be chosen.

U.S. residents only, please.

Good luck!

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