Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Quick Pick book review: The Good Liar, by Catherine McKenzie

  • Opening lines: (Cecily)
    I was late. That's why I wasn't there when it happened.

    Not in the building, not even that close. 
  • Reason I picked up the book: I have read books by Catherine McKenzie in the past and enjoyed them; also, the synopsis was intriguing. 
  • And what's this book about?
  • Can you hide a secret with the whole world watching?

    When an explosion rips apart a Chicago building, the lives of three women are forever altered. A year later, Cecily is in mourning. She was supposed to be in the building that day. Instead, she stood on the street and witnessed it going down, with her husband and best friend inside. Kate, now living thousands of miles away, fled the disaster and is hoping that her past won’t catch up with her. And Franny, a young woman in search of her birth mother, watched the horror unfold on the morning news, knowing that the woman she was so desperate to reconnect with was in the building.

    Now, despite the marks left by the tragedy, they all seem safe. But as its anniversary dominates the media, the memories of that terrifying morning become dangerous triggers. All these women are guarding important secrets. Just how far will they go to keep them?
  • Recommended for: Anyone who likes books that have a lot of twists and turns. 
  • Favorite paragraph: Kate let her down against her pillows gently and stroked her damp hair. It was silky and thin. No one told her, before she had children, that being a mother would be like reliving her own childhood, only worse. That she'd have to re-feel all the slights and worries a hundredfold. 
  • Something to know: Pay close attention to the characters in this book because some are not who they appear to be. Also, the book focuses on a 9/11-esque tragedy, that takes place in Chicago, but 9/11 is mentioned once or twice so that still exists in this world too.
  • What I would have changed: Nothing.
  • Overall rating: 5 out of 5 stars. (yes, it was THAT good!) 
  • Where can I find this book? Click here to order on Amazon - it's currently free for Kindle Unlimited users, also.
*Disclosure: I received an e-galley of this book from NetGalley, for reviewing purposes. The opinions expressed here, however, are my own.


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