Saturday, April 7, 2018

Book Review and GIVEAWAY: Guilt, by Amanda Robson {ends 4/15}

Guest review by: Becki Bayley

“How’s your week been?” he asks, interrupting her daydream. He asks this with concern, as if she is a friend, not a client. As if he really cares.

“Not too bad,” she replies. “And yours?”

“The same.” They laugh. “Well, I don’t suppose they can have been that similar,” he admits.

“Not unless you locked yourself in your house all week, unplugged the internet, and ate the most tasteless ready meals on the planet.”

“No.” His grin continues. “That didn’t happen.”

“What did happen?” she asks.

He leans back in his chair. “Not a lot. I’ve been in chambers trying to research your case. I’ve a couple of questions I need to ask”

She sighs inside. “About Sebastian again?” she asks, trying to keep her voice light.

“How did you guess?” he replies, laughing. “Well I’ll get straight to it then. Have you heard from him yet?”

His eyes are darker than usual – more serious now.

“No. And I don’t want to,” she tells him.

He scribbles in his pad, writing down her answer. “Is that because you’ve moved on from what happened between you?” he asks.

“It’s because I’ve accepted he doesn’t want to see me.” She pauses. “I will never accept what happened between us.”

Guilt was sometimes a bit hard to follow, as the viewpoints switched from each main character’s past and present. The confusion is intentional, and leaves the reader wondering who finally killed who, and why. And even that may not tell us who is the truly guilty party.

Official synopsis:
Book Review and GIVEAWAY: Guilt, by Amanda Robson
There is no bond greater than blood . . .

When the body of a woman is found stabbed to death, the blame falls to her twin sister. But who killed who? And which one is now the woman behind bars?

Zara and Miranda have always supported each other. But then Zara meets Seb, and everything changes. Handsome, charismatic and dangerous, Seb threatens to tear the sisters’ lives apart – but is he really the one to blame? Or are deeper resentments simmering beneath the surface that the sisters must face up to?

As the sisters’ relationship is stretched to the brink, a traumatic incident in Seb’s past begins to rear its head and soon all three are locked in a psychological battle that will leave someone dead. The question is, who?

Guilt by Amanda Robson was quite intriguing, and I couldn’t wait to find out "whodunit." And once I figured that out, I still kept reading to figure out who would get the legal blame for it all.

Starting out, this book was a little hard to read and get into, because the author was purposely using a whole lot of pronouns so we couldn’t figure out who was up to what. I was actually worried it may be hard to finish, based on the beginning. As the story started revealing and developing more, I became more invested in the futures of the characters, and I kept reading. The viewpoint changed from Miranda’s past, to Zara’s past, to Sebastian’s past, and then to the present, and it was hard to sort out who was experiencing what until I became more familiar with all of them. The time in court really served to show a more objective view of the characters, and made the ending feel more conclusive.

Overall (can’t say too much about this book without giving away spoilers), I’d give this book 3 out of 5 stars. The suspenseful style was a little hard to read initially, though I’m not sure how else it could be done and still maintain the surprises to come. I’d recommend this book as an interesting psychological thriller, but you may have to force a few chapters to be fully engaged in finding out the ending.

Guilt will be in stores and online on June 19, 2018.
{Click here to purchase}

Becki Bayley likes chocolate milk (possibly with alcohol?) and spring break. She tries to focus mainly on the things she likes at


Two lucky readers will win a paperback copy of Guilt!

Enter to win via the widget below. Giveaway will end on Sunday, April 15th, at 11:59pm EST, and winners will be notified the next day via email and have 24 hours to respond, or an alternate winner(s) will be chosen.

U.S. residents only, please.

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