Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Guest Post and Giveaway: Klout Score, by Susan Gilbert

Klout score
Susan Gilbert
Susan Gilbert is the author of Klout Score: Social Media Influence, How to Gain Exposure and Increase Your Klout, and has graciously agreed to do a guest post about Klout and social media. You can also win an e-copy of her book below. 

Over the last ten years social media has exploded at a phenomenal rate, and has become the dominant force on the Internet today for authors, brands, and businesses. Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Instagram, and YouTube are now essential to be a part of. But with so many people congregating in one place how do you distinguish credible and high influencing users? The answer is simple: social measurement.

In 2008 Klout was born in San Francisco, and has become the standard for showing an individual or company’s social influence. With its unique algorithm, the service has had its share of debate, but has seen a restructuring of its measurement along with added services over the last three years.

What Klout does is that it takes into account your online activity through your social media accounts. Klout scores are calculated on a 90 day running average, and range from 0 to 100. The value of interactions with your social community directly affects your influence and credibility.

Currently the top sources of Klout score measurement include Twitter, Facebook, Google+ profiles, LinkedIn, and Instagram. It is important to connect all of your social networks as this will factor into increasing that number.

Klout pays specific attention to your interaction with people, especially those who are high influencers in your area of expertise. Depending on your industry, Klout allows you to list topics of influence like the example here:

Susan Gilbert

The growth and expansion of Klout and the number of users is growing, and with recent changes to user profiles this makes them even more prominent. And in just the last two years Business pages have been integrated along with the addition of Klout Experts, which is posted to Bing, and allows individuals and brands to showcase their expertise. Klout is becoming more important not just for marketers, but also for employers looking for potential new team members, authors establishing credibility, and brand building.

Klout has demanded our attention, and like it or not we must pay attention to its measurement of influence. I explain much more about how to get started, what Klout can do for your brand or business, and much more in my new eBook, KLOUT SCORE: Social Media Influence, How to Gain Exposure and Expand Your Klout Score.

With KLOUT SCORE you will see social measurement as a way to build your own reputation, which will help open new doors of opportunity and influence.


Book Synopsis:

Klout is a social media measurement tool and KLOUT SCORE: Social Media Influence will explain in easy to follow steps why it is important to be aware of Klout and how to use it effectively.

What this book will do for you:
● Understand what Klout is and how to get started

The Beginner Guide approach:
● Clear step by step instructions
● Learn by doing, start working right away
● Leave out the boring bits
● Inspiring, realistic examples give you ideas for your own social media

Enter to win your own copy of Klout Score! Entries accepted via the Rafflecopter form below. The contest will end on Sunday, October 20th, at 11:59pm EST, and the winner will be emailed on October 21st and have 24 hours to respond, or a new winner will be chosen. Book is an e-book and is available in ePub, Mobi, or PDF form.

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Sounds like a super interesting book! Since I'm into the socmed scene, I would love to read it :)

    1. Socmed! Interesting abbreviation :). Good luck!

  2. I would be interested to learn more about Klout's most recent changes, and I'm hoping that a book that promises to "leave out the boring bits" would quickly help me to do that :)

  3. It sounds like a good read. Always looking to learn new information.


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