I tried to shake it off as we spent more time together that night, but I just couldn't. When we ended up in his couch and he began to tug at my shirt to expose my neck, my heart sank when I realized what he was doing. He didn't ask for my permission or consent. He just bit into my neck and began feeding on my blood.
As I sat there, feeding his body pressed against mine, his teeth sinking into my skin, I couldn't help but wonder: If he never becomes mortal, is this how it's going to be like? Is this going to be what life is like?
For the first time in a long time, I saw him as a predator and I, his willing prey.
Bella Forrest is back with book 5 in the A Shade of Vampire series, and I was eager to continue reading about Derek and Sofia's love story. I'm so glad that the author usually sends me ARCs (Advance Reading Copies) of these, because it's beginning to be one of my favorite vampire series, as well.
Official synopsis:

"Of course you know who I am. I'm a daughter of the darkness just as surely as you are his son..."
Ever since his brief encounter with Emilia at The Shade, Derek's thoughts and dreams have been haunted with images of the mysterious, beautiful brunette. Plagued with guilt, he struggles to understand why he is so drawn to this dark stranger from his past.
When Emilia suddenly appears again on the island, Derek is both terrified and intrigued. But this time, he is determined to involve Sofia and discover who this woman is.
If only Derek and Sofia knew, Emilia is a mystery that should be left undiscovered...
**This review may contain spoilers if you have not read the others in the series**
In this installment of A Shade of Vampire, Derek and Sofia are desperately searching for the cure - her father Aiden said that they found it and that it worked on Ingrid, Sofia's mother, but it did not. Derek is pressing Sofia to get married, as well, since war may soon be coming to The Shade, and Sofia wants to marry Derek but thinks it may be too soon.
This was the first novel in the series that was told from POV's other than Sofia's and Derek's, and at times it made the book a bit "scattered"; however, it was interesting to get perspectives such as Kyle's, a vampire in love with Anna (another "immune" like Sofia), and other characters. This novel also explores Derek's relationship with Emilia, who is a daughter of The Original (one of the first vampires ever), and we find out a secret about her that I definitely did not see coming.
The love story between Derek and Sofia is still strong in this novel, too, even though they each face new challenges individually.
I can't wait for the next book in the series!
4 stars out of 5.
*Disclosure: I was given an e-copy of this novel to review by the author. The opinions expressed here, however, are my own.
Check out my reviews of all the novels in the series!
#1: A Shade of Blood
#2: A Castle of Sand
#3: A Shade of Vampire
#4: A Shadow of Light