Friday, October 30, 2009


Admission, by Jean Hanff Korelitz.The flight from Newark to Hartford took no more than fifty-eight minutes, but she still managed to get her heart broken three times. This was a feat at once pathetic and, bizarrely, something of an underachievement, Portia thought making a painful note on the reader's card of an academically unadmittable Rhode Island...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

True Colors

True Colors, by Kristin Hannah.Loss like theirs should leave a mark - summer grass gone suddenly brown, dark clouds that refused to leave, a tree split by lightning. Something.This is the first book I've read by Hannah - she has written a few others - and it was very good. The book tells the story of the Grey sisters, who lose their mother at an...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Intensely Alice

Intensely Alice, by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor.Naylor has written 120+ books, and one of the series she writes is the Alice series, which I have been reading for a long time. Alice "tells it like it is", which is one of the reasons I like her as a character, but in this book, she seems more naive then usual. I don't know if the reason I think this is...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Hope in a Jar

Hope in a Jar, by Beth Harbison.One of the reasons I don't usually buy books is that I read too quickly ... this book is 340 pages and I finished it in 1 day, about the span of 12 hours or less. Probably about 2-3 hours total. I am a big fan of Harbison's books - try reading Secrets of a Shoe Addict or Shoe Addicts Anonymous, also by her, and you'll...

Secrets to Happiness

Secrets to Happiness, by Sarah Dunn.This book was hilariously written, and was interesting to read. There were a few paragraphs at which I laughed out loud. Here's one example of this:Holly's mother Fiona called her once a week, usually on Friday afternoons, before she left for her mahjongg game but after she came home from MOPS. Holly wasn't one...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Last Song

The Last Song, Nicholas Sparks.There's a reason why four of Nicholas Sparks' books have been made into movies - they are just THAT good. Granted, I have read almost all of his books, save for the one he wrote with his brother, so I am a bit biased, but I thought that this book was as good as all of his previous ones, and could definitely be made into...

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Swoon, by Nina Malkin.I don't know what to classify this story as - certainly not a "ghost story," but it's more than just a possession story too - but it was entertaining. Dice (short for Candice) has just moved to Connecticut from New York City to live in Swoon, the same town that her cousin, Pen (Penelope), and her family live. Dice's parents...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

That Old Cape Magic

That Old Cape Magic, by Richard Russo.I read a great review of this book in People magazine, and immediately wanted to read it. Unfortunately, since I was moving out about a week later, I couldn't request it at the Ann Arbor library; so, a month or so after that, I got it from the WB library, and just finished reading it today.I had never read any...

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