He'd done what he'd vowed never to do: Made her feel unwanted. Invisible. Just as her parents had done. Self-loathing ate at him, digging a yawning chasm in his heart and soul.
How could he possibly imagine a future without her?
This novel is the final novel in the Surrender trilogy, by Maya Banks, and I reviewed and did giveaways for both Letting Go (March 2014) and Giving In (May 2014) previously. This book explores the relationship of the third woman in their circle of friends, Chessy, and her dominant husband, Tate.
Official synopsis:
Chessy and Tate have been married for several years. In the beginning, their relationship was everything she wanted. Passionate. All consuming. She offered her submission freely and Tate cherished her gift with a tenderness that made her feel safe. Content. Wanted. And loved beyond all measure. But as the years have gone by, Tate has become more immersed in making his business the success it has become, and Chessy has taken a back seat to his business obligations. Growing unhappier with the status of their once blissful marriage, Chessy knows that something has to give. Or they stand to lose it all
Tate loves his wife. Has always loved her. Providing for her has always been his number one priority. But lately she’s seemed unhappy, and he’s worried. Worried enough that he arranges for a night together that he hopes will reignite the fire that once burned like an inferno between them.
But a business call at the wrong time threatens everything. Chessy’s safety, his concentration, his wife’s faith in him as her husband, a man sworn to love and protect her above all else. Gutted with the realization that he’s going to lose her—has already lost her—he readies for the fight of his life. Whatever it takes, he’ll get her back. And prove to her that nothing is more important than her love. And that if she’ll allow him to prove himself one more time, he’ll take it all. Everything. But he’ll give far more back. Himself. His undying love.
I did enjoy this novel, but I think I probably enjoyed it the least out of all the books in the trilogy. It's definitely different than the other two, in that it's dealing with a married couple - a Dominant and a submissive - in need of relationship help. Tate works way too much and has inadvertently been ignoring Chessy, and Chessy was ignored completely by her parents, as a child, and so this hurts her very much.
They try to reignite their relationship, but when they go to The House to engage in some ... playtime, Tate takes a business call and something awful happens. Chessy can't trust him afterwards, and their relationship is shattered.
I liked that the couples from books 1 and 2 (Joss + Dash, and Kylie + Jensen) are very present in this novel - Joss, Kylie, and Chessy are the friendship at the core of these novels, even though the men are all acquainted with one another too.
The novel can be read as a standalone book, but I'd recommend reading the other two books first to get an introduction to Maya Banks' world here, as well as familiarize yourself with the couples who are omnipresent in all of the books.
3 stars out of 5.
*Disclosure: I received a copy of this novel for reviewing purposes. The opinions expressed here, however, are my own.
The Surrender trilogy, by Maya Banks | |
#1, Letting Go | |
#2, Giving In | |
#3, Taking It All |
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