Monday, February 11, 2019

Book Review and GIVEAWAY: Dry, by Neal Shusterman and Jarrod Shusterman {ends 2/18}


The kitchen faucet makes the most bizarre sounds.

It coughs and wheezes like it's gone asthmatic. It gurgles like someone drowning. It spits once, then goes silent. Our dog, Kingston, raises his ears, but still keeps his distance from the sink, unsure if it might unexpectedly come back to life, but no such luck.

Mom just stands there holding Kingston's water bowl beneath the faucet, puzzling. Then she moves the handle to the off position and says, "Alyssa, go get your father."

This novel was kind of a dystopian novel, but it was a bit scary because it could definitely happen to us in 2019, as well. California runs out of water and people start to die because of it.

Official synopsis:
Book Review and GIVEAWAY: Dry, by Neal Shusterman and Jarrod Shusterman
When the California drought escalates to catastrophic proportions, one teen is forced to make life and death decisions for her family in this harrowing story of survival from New York Times bestselling author Neal Shusterman and Jarrod Shusterman.

The drought—or the Tap-Out, as everyone calls it—has been going on for a while now. Everyone’s lives have become an endless list of don’ts: don’t water the lawn, don’t fill up your pool, don’t take long showers.

Until the taps run dry.

Suddenly, Alyssa’s quiet suburban street spirals into a warzone of desperation; neighbors and families turned against each other on the hunt for water. And when her parents don’t return and her life—and the life of her brother—is threatened, Alyssa has to make impossible choices if she’s going to survive.

This book was pretty interesting to read, as it was told from several different perspectives: Alyssa; Kelton, her next-door neighbor who has a crush on her; and Jacqui and Henry, people they meet along the way. 

Kelton's family are "doomsday preppers," so although they were prepared for the drought, their neighbors want them to share their spoils with the rest of the neighborhood. Alyssa's family definitely was not prepared, and soon she and Kelton find themselves on the run to find water. 

I enjoyed this book but it did take me a week or two to get through—I'm thinking this was more because I had less time to read during that time period, and not because the book was less interesting. I was curious to see if the "Tap-Out" would resolve itself or not, and, if so, if the main characters would live to see the end of it.

3.5 stars out of 5.

*Disclosure: I received a copy of this book for reviewing purposes. The opinions expressed here, however, are my own.


Two of my lucky readers will win a copy of Dry!

Enter to win via the widget below. Giveaway will end on Monday, February 18th, at 11:59pm EST, and winners will be notified via email the next day and have 24 hours to respond, or an alternate winner will be chosen.

U.S. residents only please, and no P.O. Boxes.

Good luck!

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