Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Review: Rustico Leather, gifts for the writer in your life

Rustico review

*Disclosure: I am a participating Influencer at The Entertainment New Media Network. I have received free product for review to facilitate this post. I was not compensated for this review and all expressed opinions are strictly my own.

I recently got the chance to review some products from Rustico Leather, and I was pleased with how nice the products are.

I had my choice of the following:

Traveler Set:
• Passport cover (saddle or dark brown),
• Travelers Journal (saddle or dark brown),
• Luggage tag (saddle or dark brown-2 toned with grey wool felt)

Writer Set:
• Single track wallet (felt & leather – multiple colors)
• Wool quote book
• Wool Parley Journal with wrap tie (multiple colors)

Foodie Set:
• Wine log (in red)
• Coaster set (two-tone coloring)
• Explorer bag (rustic red or charcoal grey)

I was very tempted to opt for the Traveler set, but I already have a leather passport cover that I adore, so I opted for the Writer Set, which exceeded my expectations.

Single track wallet by Rustico, review
Single Track Wallet

I was very excited to get the Single Track Wallet ($19.00) because I thought it would be perfect for my business cards for the ENMN Conference in Anaheim (which it was!). I also used it to collect other bloggers' business cards, and it would make an excellent credit card holder too.

I can see myself tucking the Wool Quote Book ($20.25) into my purse and using it to record anything that comes to mind. I majored in Creative Writing and Literature in college, and I'd like to get back into writing fiction sometime soon; perhaps ideas will now be easier to keep track of, with this.

Rustico wool parley journal
Wool Parley Journal (flap tie)

The third item I received was a gray Wool Parley Journal - Flap Tie ($35.00). This is a bigger version of the quotes book and would also be good to throw into a purse or briefcase. The tie gives it a vintage feel and I could see myself using it for ideas or even to write short stories.

One of my conference roommates, Sondra at Happy Healthy Hip, had the Explorer Bag with her, as she had opted for the Travelers set, and I really liked that as well - it would make a great gift.

I'd recommend any of the journals as gifts for a writer, or perhaps for yourself, and the single track wallet for anyone, as it's a nice piece of leather that has many possible uses.


  1. That is pretty awesome - love really personal gifts and this would be a great one for aunt

  2. As a journalist and writer, I have to admit that I LOVE these kinds of gifts. Sure, I have too many partially used notebooks, but what's one more? - Katy

    1. I feel the same :) I've already started using the smaller notebook too.


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