Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Quick Pick: The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight

    The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight book review
  • Opening line: "There are so many ways it could have all turned out differently."
  • Reason I picked up the book: I've been wanting to read this book since 2012, when it hit stores, and NetGalley emailed me the other day saying it was re-releasing it for Valentine's Day, and the first 500 readers would get it. Guess how fast I clicked that link ... 
  • Favorite paragraph: 
Across the ocean, her father is making one last toast, and the white-gloved hotel staff is polishing the silverware for tomorrow night's celebration. Behind her, the boy with a ticket for seat 18C on the next flight to London is eating a powdered doughnut, oblivious to the dusting of white on his blue shirt.
Hadley closes her eyes, just for a moment, and when she opens them again, the plane is gone.
Who would have guessed that four minutes could change everything? 
  • Recommended for: fans of romances, YA (Young Adult) books, international travel books.
  • Something to know: It seems like most of Jennifer E. Smith's books are like this - where a girl meets a boy in an unusual situation, spends a little time together, and then can't stop thinking about each other. Her newest book, The Geography of You and Me, follows this pattern as well.
  • What I would have changed: The ending was way too abrupt! I wanted to know more. I would love to read a sequel with these two characters.
  • Overall rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars.


  1. Very mysterious, I can't really peg this book from the review, which makes me want to give it a read.

    1. The book trailer should help a little :). If you Google the book title, also, there are a TON of fan-made trailers for it.

  2. I have been bad about my reading lately. I am addicted to HBO on my iPad. I need to read more! Thanks for the cool review.

  3. I love the title if nothing else... I love a good title...


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