Saturday, February 9, 2013

Paper Airplane: Unique Tales from a Mile High

Paper Airplane: Unique Tales from a Mile High, by Kersten L. Kelly.

I didn't experience the first crazy thing on an airplane, and I won't be the last. One thing I do know is that my individual experiences were indeed special. Each of the individuals who made them that way influenced my life more than they will ever know. Each one created a lasting memory that I was able to re-create and share here, with you, and I am grateful for all of them. This is my collection of unique tales from a mile high.

Paper Airplane, unique tales, nonfiction, Kersten L. Kelly, planes
I was interested to read this book because I, too, try to strike up conversations with strangers on airplanes. I don't fly that much - maybe three to four times per year - but I've met a few interesting people. On my last trip a week or so ago, flying back to Detroit from Las Vegas, my plane was delayed three hours due to mechanical problems, and I started up a conversation with the woman sitting in my row, as well as her husband, who proceeded to educate me about Vegas history. I'm a fan of interesting history, especially when it comes to Vegas, and I loved hearing their stories about the "old Vegas" and the hotels that used to be there.

In this novel, the author aims to do much of the same - recount her experiences with strangers she meets on airplanes and the lessons she's learned from each of them.

Official synopsis:
The book recalls life lessons from perfect strangers about love, family, perseverance of dreams, and humility through a series of brief anecdotes all taking place on airplanes. Selfless philanthropy was discovered, long-term friendships bonded, and talents unveiled. The book proves the phrase “you never know what you will learn on an airplane” over and over again. Every chapter will capture the mind and sometimes the heart of anyone who jumps into this collection of humanity at its best. With a raw authenticity stemming from old notes in a ragged journal, this is a personal reflection of unique tales from a mile high.

The book is about half of the author talking about her family and her life - aka, how she ended up on each plane, or factors relevant to her flight - and half about the actual flights themselves and the people she meets. I found the stories interesting, but didn't actually think they were that "unique," although "unique" in this sense seems to mean that they impacted her life in a special way, which she says is correct. Overall, the book was a quick read and I would recommend it for anyone who has ever talked to a seatmate on an airplane, or who maybe wished they did.

3 stars out of 5.

*Disclosure: I received an e-copy of this novel to review. The opinions expressed here, however, are my own.


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