Thursday, June 26, 2014

Book Review and GIVEAWAY: Birth of the Vampire (Vanderlind Realm, book 1), by Gayla Twist, ends 7/6

But if I had been happy in high school, then I probably would have drifted through life accepting the ordinary world. I would have been like everyone else on the planet, never probing beneath the surface of what is perceived as reality, never having the opportunity to witness the remarkable world that thrives just out of reach of the ordinary mind. If it weren't for my misery and a twist of fate, I would have never realized there was such magic, such love, such passion in the world.

Given the choice, I'm glad I lived to see the unearthly enchantment of the hidden world. Or more accurately, I'm glad I died to see it.

Birth of the Vampire is the first novel in The Vanderlind Realm series, and is a companion novel of sorts to Fate of the Vampire, in that the events take place around the same time the Fate events did. I've read many of Gayla Twist's novels, and they always have her signature wit and ability to tell a story; this installment is no exception.

Official synopsis:
Birth of the Vampire review and giveaway, Gayla TwistDorian is a vampire who doesn’t believe in love. Haley is a human who doesn’t believe in vampires.

At seventeen, Haley Scott’s life is pretty miserable. She lives with her uncle in a small town where she has absolutely no friends and barely any social life. Haley knows for a fact that there are very few people on the planet who care if she lives or dies.

Dorian Vanderlind is a vampire with a past he’s reluctant to face. He visits his cousin as a favor, only to find himself entangled in the enticements of the mortal world.

What happens when these two are thrown together in the most complicated of circumstances? Find out in
Birth of the Vampire ~ Book 1 in The Vanderlind Realm.

Birth is a little shorter than the other Vanderlind novels - it clocks in at around 150 pages, so it's definitely an easy read. It also tends to jump around a bit more, perspective-wise, which was sometimes good and sometimes not.

The novel follows Jesse's cousin, Dorian, who comes back to their castle in Tiburon, Ohio for the holidays. He meets Haley, a normal human girl, at a party, and later (SPOILER) ends up having to choose whether to let her die or to save her, thus turning her in to a vampire (dying either way, technically, but you know what I mean.)

Dorian is definitely not the most patient person, and it was funny to read his first point-of-view chapters. There are a few from Haley as well, and a few from her other classmates', which I didn't really think was necessary, although they were interesting.

This can definitely be read as a stand-alone novel, but I'd recommend reading the other Vanderlind novels first, since both Jesse and Aurora, the main protagonists in those, have major cameos in this book.

3.5 stars out of 5.

*Disclosure: I received a copy of this novel from the author for reviewing purposes. The opinions expressed here, however, are my own.

The Vanderlind books:
#1: Call of the Vampire (review)
#2: Heart of the Vampire (review)
#3: Fate of the Vampire (review)
#4: Birth of the Vampire (The Vanderlind Realm #1 - spin-off series)


Two lucky readers will win copies of Birth of the Vampire - I have one paperback (US/CAN only) and one e-book (open to international) to give away. 

Enter via the Rafflecopter below. Giveaway will end on Sunday, July 6th, at 11:59pm EST, and winners will be notified via email on July 7th and have 24 hours to respond, otherwise an alternate winner(s) will be chosen. 

Good luck!

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