Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Book Review and GIVEAWAY: A Nest of Vipers, by Harini Nagendra {ends 5/28}

Guest review by: Becki Bayley

‘You are not the same person you were when you first came to Bangalore. You are an experienced detective now. Think about all the different cases you have solved. Not just the murders, but also the smaller cases. The missing goat, the woman who lost her memory, the boy who ran away from home and didn’t want to go back – and refused to tell you where his home was. How did you solve those cases?’

Kaveri looked at him.

‘You didn’t give up.’ Ramu took her by the shoulders, and gave her a little shake. ‘My Kaveri, the woman I married and fell in love with, never gives up. You realize that, don’t you?’

Kaveri squared her shoulders, giving him a small smile. ‘I won’t give up.’

Kaveri and Ramu have the best arranged marriage ever. She ended up with a true partner who loves her and supports her unique Bangalore Detectives Club and her crime-solving adventures.

Official synopsis:
Book Review and GIVEAWAY: A Nest of Vipers, by Harini Nagendra {ends 5/28}
This latest novel in the
Bangalore Detectives Club mystery series takes the reader deep into the historical era surrounding the visit by Edward, Prince of Wales, to Bangalore in 1921. When the prince begins a tour of a number of Indian cities, he encounters passionate crowds demanding independence from Britain, with rioting on the streets of Bombay in November 1921.

The mood of the prince's subsequent trip to Bangalore and Mysore in January 1922 appears, at first glance, very different and is made to large, welcoming crowds. But perhaps all is not what it seems to be. While exploring another (seemingly unrelated) crime scene, Kaveri and Ramu become tangled in a complex web of intrigue, getting pulled into a potentially dangerous plan that could endanger the life of the visiting prince.

This new novel also takes us into the world of jadoo—Indian street magic—with sleight-of-hand magicians, snake charmers, and rope tricks. Kaveri and Ramu continue their sleuthing, with help from the Bangalore Detectives Club, amidst the growing rumblings of Indian independence and the backdrop of female emancipation.

The third book in the series starts with Kaveri and Ramu being gifted surprise tickets to a popular magician’s show. Once they arrive, they are even invited to meet Das, the famous and gifted magician and his son/assistant. The show is as amazing as expected, but the ending sets Kareri on solving a new mystery. As usual, she isn’t entirely sure who to trust and which question will lead her on the right path to solving what is really happening.

The Bangalore Detectives Club mystery series again has several intersecting plot lines, and some beloved characters returning, including Kaveri’s husband, Ramu, her mother-in-law, and a few people she’s helped in earlier books.

Overall, this was another engaging and entertaining mystery with a great setting and interesting characters. The story earns 4 out of 5 stars and would be enjoyed by readers who enjoy cozy mysteries and books about other times and cultures.

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Becki Bayley is a reader, wife, and mother of two humans and two black cats. She loves learning about the world through books with an element of true history, while reading in the comfort of her own home. Check out what she and her family are up to on Instagram where she posts as SweetlyBSquared.


One of my lucky readers will win a copy of A Nest of Vipers!

Enter via the widget below. Giveaway will end on Tuesday, May 28th, at 11:5pm EST, and the winner will be notified via email the next day and have 24 hours to respond, or an alternate winner will be chosen.

U.S. residents only, please.

Good luck!

A Nest of Vipers, by Harini Nagendra


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