Friday, July 29, 2016

Quick Pick: Run, by Kody Keplinger

Opening lines: {Bo}I'm waiting for the sirens.I know it don't make much sense. The police ain't coming for me - not yet, anyway - but I already feel like a fugitive. Reason I picked up the book: My friend Mandy over at The Romance Bookie had a signed copy that...

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Quick Pick: The Way to Game the Walk of Shame, by Jenn P. Nguyen

Opening lines: Before I even opened my eyes, I knew something was wrong. I wasn't in my bed like I should be, surrounded by the cream duvet comforter that Mom and I had gotten from Macy's last month. The fabric under my fingertips was cool and kind of scratchy.  Reason...

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Book Review: Some Women, by Emily Liebert

She'd made peace with her reality, thanks, in large part, to Mackenzie and Piper's friendship.  ... Piper and Mackenzie had become her people. The ones she called crying in the middle of the night. The ones who materialized at her front door at a moment's notice when they...

Friday, July 15, 2016

Book Review and GIVEAWAY: In Twenty Years, by Allison Winn Scotch {ends 7/23}

"Please don't get arrested," Catherine fretted. "Our parents are all in town! And we're graduating tomorrow!" Not everyone's parents were in town, but we were past offending one another by parsing words. Only Annie's mother was here. And my parents not at all.  But...

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Quick Pick: The Cresswell Plot, by Eliza Wass

Opening lines: I carved my first star when I was six, so by the time I was sixteen there were stars everywhere in the woods. Some of them I didn't even remember carving. Sometimes I wondered if someone else had - Hannan or Delvive or Caspar or Mortimer or Jerusalem....

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