Saturday, September 18, 2010

Something Like Fate

Something Like Fate, by Susane Colasanti

Maybe everything that happens in our lives isn't already decided by fate. Maybe we have some influence over the outcome. If you want something badly enough, can you change your fate? Or will the thing you want the most come true anyway, no matter what you do?

I saw this book in Borders a few months ago and was intrigued by its cover (see above). Why was the girl on the left holding hands with the boy sitting closer to the other girl? I put the book on hold at my local library and now am finally getting to read it. It reminded me a lot of The Unwritten Rule, by Elizabeth Scott, which I also reviewed, in that a girl is lusting after her best friend's boyfriend. The characters in Something Like Fate, however, could not be more different than Scott's.

Lani "knows" that she and Jason have a connection, even when he starts dating her best friend Erin - and he knows it too. When she goes off to summer camp the summer before their senior year of high school, he breaks up with her via snail mail, and he and Lani spend most of the summer together. The problem, of course, is when Erin gets back from camp, and Jason has to tell her that he and Lani are now going out.

The book was pretty good, and I'm going to check out some of Colasanti's other YA books sometime soon.

4 stars out of 5.

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