Review by: Sarah Blanchette
- Opening lines: Adam trudged up the darkening country road with a giant centipede stuck to his back, wiggling its army of legs. He could see to the top of the hill, where the road ended with the gate to the kibbutz. A rusted wrought-iron sign arched over the entrance, stamping the yellow sky both in Hebrew and Latin letters: Sadot Hadar.
- Reason I picked up the book: After studying Arabic for two years during undergrad, I became completely enamored by the beauty of the Middle East and the people who live there. Any book dealing with any aspect of the Middle East is always something that I am drawn towards. I have not had too much experience studying or reading fiction about Israel and felt that this book would be another way to bridge my world to theirs. Also, being a young adult like the main character, I could relate completely with his struggles to find himself amongst a life of chaos and family trauma.
- And what's this book about?
- Favorite paragraph:
The book explores the life-changing journey that a young recovering drug/alcohol addict embarks upon after the passing of his grandfather. The young man, Adam, is faced with a life time of regret and pain that he had caused his family throughout the span of his addiction. He chooses to remedy his regret by setting off to pass down his grandfather's most prized possession to the only woman his grandfather had ever loved: the family's vintage, and very valuable, brooch. This trip requires him to travel overseas from New York City to a kibbutz (socialist-style community) in Israel where he is faced with finding the woman, Dagmar, who does not want to be found, as well as discovering his strength as an individual in a community torn by war and changing customs.
She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been given a gift. Not since Berlin anyway. Fourteen years? The silver bow pulled at her – the selfish pull of gifts. Maybe the gift giver had dignity. Maybe. Giving a gift was also a manipulation. (p. 193)
- What I would have changed: I honestly would not change anything. The storylines and flashbacks were written so smoothly that I was engaged the entire time.
- Overall rating: 5 out of 5 stars.
- Where can I find this book? Click here.
*Disclosure: I received a copy of this book for reviewing purposes. The opinions expressed here, however, are my own.
About the reviewer:
Sarah Blanchette is an artist, writer, designer, and graduate of the journalism and studio art undergraduate programs at Oakland University. She lives in Metro Detroit with her two Flemish Giant bunnies, Beedo and Maizy.
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