Sunday, March 16, 2025

Book Review - An Inconvenient Wife: A Modern Tudor Mystery, by Karen E. Olson

Guest review by: Becki BayleyHow had that girl ended up the way she did – and in such a vicious way? Underneath it all lurked the stock sell-off. There was no way this wouldn’t affect the stocks even more. Shareholders were a skittish bunch. The word “bankruptcy” was tossed...

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Book Review: Conditions of a Heart, by Bethany Mangle

Guest review by: Becki Bayley“I just invited Oliver to come here,” I deadpan. “Help.”“Whoa, whoa. Slow down.” She slowly tilts her head back as she drains the rest of her drink, her eyes shutting briefly when it’s empty. “Oof. That’s bitter.” She rolls her hand in the air. “You...

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Book Review and GIVEAWAY: Beneath the Poet's House, by Christa Carmen {ends 2/28}

Guest review by: Becki BayleyAfter checking her phone to make sure everyone’s arrived, Stacy turns in the opposite direction from which Saoirse and Emmit have come. “All right, everyone. Our tour has officially started. Onward, to what we in the biz still refer to as the Biltmore...

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Book Review - Love and Death in the Sunshine State: The Story of a Murder, by Cutter Wood

Guest review by: Becki BayleyMy departure from Florida after this interview bore some resemblance to a man disappearing into a crevasse. One moment, I was sitting in the parking lot of the prison listening to my messages; the next second, one could just make out the whinny of...

Monday, February 10, 2025

Book Review and GIVEAWAY - Damaged Beauty: Joey Superstar by Margaret Gardiner {ends 2/14}

Guest review by: Becki BayleyJoey lied all the time about little, unimportant things, like the time she told the South African back in Hamburg  about her ‘sisters’ when she had none. Well, none that she knew of, but how would her lie change the South African’s life? It...

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Book Review and GIVEAWAY: The Magic Maker, by Mickey Dubrow {ends 2/4}

Guest review by: Becki Bayley2013For years, only Sadie continued to lift the matzo box and peer at the world below. But the family joined her when she told them about construction crews arriving at their building. They watched them coming and going and listened to banging and...

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Book Review: A Grandmother Begins the Story, by Michelle Porter

Guest review by: Becki BayleyGen brought herself to her feet again and found herself swaying between belief and doubt, but she said, Let me close the doors so we don’t wake them up with our playing.Velma put her fiddle on her clavicle, lifted her bow, and waited. Velma’s hair...

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Liz has read 1 book toward her goal of 20 books.

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